Illicit Discharge

Pouring liquid into a drain, "Illicit Discharge" striked out in red

Take Action

Be the City’s eyes and nose. Notify the City if you see or smell something weird from a storm drain. Call the City’s Illicit Discharge Hotline at (360) 817-1565 or notify the City through CamasConnect 24/7 mobile app.


When substances such as sewage, food waste, sediment from construction sites, detergents, fertilizers, hazardous waste, dead animal and etc. enters the storm drain, it flows to lakes and rivers. This is called an illicit discharge. Only rainwater should be flowing through a storm drain.

City Commitment

The City is committed to getting spills cleaned up and eliminate illicit discharges in accordance with City’s IDDE Program Manual. Dumping of hazardous substances in storm drains is prohibited in the City of Camas under Municipal Code 14.04 Illicit Discharges, Dumping and Illicit Connections.