City Budget Current and Past

The City has two sites where financial information can be accessed, Camas Open Budget and Camas Open Spending. This will allow the City to share financial information through an "open data" portal. These portals help to foster engagement and make City finances more transparent with its residents. 

Camas Open Budget

Camas Open Budget allows the user to interact with revenues and expenses of the City both budget and actuals. View historical data as well as proposed budget data for areas of your interest. In addition, Capital Open Budget provides not only how projects are funded, how much they cost but also the timeline and maps to see what is happening in your backyard.

Camas Open Spending

Camas Open Spending is a portal similar to the City’s check register. You can view the data in a number of different ways regardless of how it was spent, i.e. wires, ACH, checks or credit card transactions.