Lake & Everett Roundabout

NE Lake Road and NE Everett Street Intersection Improvement Project

  • For all pre-construction project information
    (prior to April 2020) see below:


The City of Camas is in the secondary stages of an intersection improvement project for the NE Everett Road (State Route 500) and NE Lake Road intersection. This is a critical intersection for the community, connecting the north shore, south shore, and downtown Camas and providing access to regional recreation areas at Lacamas Lake and Round Lake. As community and regional growth have increased, so has traffic, causing safety and mobility concerns.

This first phase of the project included an alternatives analysis, surveying, a geotechnical investigation, a transportation analysis, an environmental analysis, conceptual designs, and stakeholder and community outreach. The second phase includes obtaining construction funding and advancing the plans, environmental permits, and various easements. The third phase – construction – is scheduled for 2020.Watch Video: 

Project Updates

Feb. 11. 2020: A few weeks ago, in response to inquiries from residents, the City requested several pieces of information from our project partners. Please find them below:

  1. Tree planting and removal information – Overview | Detailed View
  2. cost comparison of roundabouts in the area
  3. study of current and future traffic at Northeast 35th Avenue and Northeast Everett Street – The study accounts for continued growth through 2040, essentially doubling traffic volumes in and out of 35th Avenue. Highlights include the following:

Southbound Traffic on Everett

    • Currently, southbound queues (line of vehicles) waiting on Everett for the Lake-Everett traffic signal block 35th Avenue and cause delays on 35th Avenue of 3-5 minutes during the busiest times of the day.
    • By 2040, southbound queues waiting on Everett for the Lake-Everett traffic signal would back up past (and continue to block) 35th Avenue, even if new through-lanes were added at the existing signal.
    • For this reason, if a traffic signal had been selected for the intersection, delays on 35th Avenue could reach 15-30 minutes by 2040.
    • By comparison, constructing a roundabout at the Lake-Everett intersection will improves traffic flow and shorten southbound queueing so that 35th Avenue will no longer be blocked.

Northbound Traffic on Everett

    • The existing traffic signal does creates some gaps in northbound traffic flow, which benefits 35th Avenue turns.
    • However, the planned roundabout will slow vehicles through the Lake-Everett intersection and create more gaps between vehicles than those allowed by a traffic signal, now and in the future.

Jan. 24, 2020: Thank you to all who attended the Jan. 23 Project Update Meeting at Lacamas Lake Lodge. Attendees totaled around 100, with a dozen more watching from home on the live-stream. You can find a video recording of the event at (1:25 hours long). The following information and materials were presented:

    • Slideshow Presentation – reviewing project history, final design, function and features, construction timing and plan, and these video simulations:

During the event, attendee comments were captured in two ways:

    • Flip Chart Notes  Ten pages, recorded by hand by Council Member Ellen Burton.
      • 1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |   7  |  8  |  9  | 10
    • Comment Cards – One comment card was submitted. Note: Information about specific trees and landscaping can be found in the survey and assessement of trees posted Jan. 15, 2020.

Jan. 22, 2020: The City of Camas Technology team has set up a live-stream recording for the Jan. 23, Project Update Meeting. [Scroll down for event info below.] To view the meeting live on January 23 or schedule a recording today, please visit The live event will begin at 6 p.m., and the recording will start slightly before, at 5:45 p.m. The video will be available as a recording at the same link following the event. We are still perfecting use of this tool and how it performs at various event locations; your patience is appreciated.

Additionally, beginning Fri, Jan. 24, several staff members from the design team will begin work on a pedestrian survey of the city-owned wooded parcel on the east side of the existing intersection. You may notice 4-6 workers in orange vests working on the referenced property over the next few weeks for this purpose. For more information, you may contact Jim Hodges at 360-817-7234 or

Jan. 15, 2020: A survey and assessement of trees in the project area has been finalized, the required permit to perform shoreline work has been submitted, and the required State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) letter to residents/merchants within 300 feet of the project area has been distributed. We look forward to answering your questions on these items and more at the upcoming Project Update Meeting on Thurs., Jan. 23; details are provided below. For immediate assistance, contact Project Manager Jim Hodges or James Carothers; contact info may be found at the bottom of this page.


Please join us for a Project Update Meeting about the Lake-Everett Intersection on Thurs., Jan. 23, 2020, at Lacamas Lake Lodge, 227 NE Lake Rd., starting at 6 p.m. and wrapping up when all questions have been answered.* Before a question-and-answer session open to all attendees, there will be a slideshow presentation about:

    • The history of the project

    • The final design of the roundabout, including landscape features

    • The function and features of the roundabout

    • The timeline for construction

    • The plan for handling traffic during construction

To get the word out, all Camas residents were sent a paper invitation to this event by U.S. Mail on Jan. 2.

After the event, all materials shared with the public will be posted on this project page.

*We are working on a live stream and recording of the event. Please check back for details.

Dec. 3, 2019: Design plans (including landscaping) are now at 90% completion, full construction funding has been obtained, and the final plans are still on track to begin construction in spring 2020. We look forward to sharing the finalized plans with the public at our Project Update Meeting on Jan. 23.


    • On Nov. 7, 2019, the Project Advisory Committee/Landscape Design Committee convened for the final time, and their closing recommendations were incorporated into the project team’s most recent landscaping plan.

    • On Nov. 15, 2019, the project team completed and submitted for review plans (90% completed), specifications, and an estimate.

    • On Nov. 18, 2019, at the Camas City Council workshop, the project team presented its landscaping plans and roundabout simulations, which received Council consensus.

    • On Nov. 22, 2019, the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) announced that the City of Camas has received a $3.3 million grant for construction of the roundabout. The grant allows the city to substitute funding that would have otherwise come entirely from low-interest loans through the Public Works Board.

Oct. 30, 2019: Design is on target for completion in winter 2019/2020 and for construction to begin in the spring of 2020. As the project progresses, we are looking forward to providing more details on the layout, function, safety features, and construction timeline of the intersection improvements. Additionally, we will be exploring educational opportunities and resources to assist pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists in properly and safely using the intersection.


      • In this 90% design draft (not a final rendering), pedestrian crosswalks are denoted with multiple black bands.
      • Pedestrians will be able to cross Everett south of the Round Lake parking lot via two crosswalks, which will include Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs).
      • When preparing to cross, pedestrians will be able to push a button on the RRFB to activate it, and once traffic stops, proceed through the crosswalk.
      • To navigate the area, cyclists will be able to use bike lanes and 10-ft wide shared use paths.
      • Pedestrians and cyclists will only have to cross one lane of traffic at a time.

Oct. 11, 2019: Design is approaching 90% and the project is now fully funded. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2020 and will continue into late fall 2020. Currently, the project Landscape Committee and City Council are evaluating multiple landscape plan options. PBS Engineering of Vancouver is leading the design effort for Camas.

August 16, 2019: Since May, the City of Camas has been planning the design and implementation of a roundabout (as shown in the 60% design draft), as well as seeking funds for construction. 


      • The project total is estimated to be $7-$8 million, including a significant contingency for unexpected expenses.
      • Earlier this month, the Lake-Everett Intersection project became one of 20 construction projects selected from 65 applicants to receive a low-interest loan from the Public Works Board (PWB). The $7 million loan will allow construction to move forward in 2020 as planned.
      • The City has also applied for a $3.3 million grant from the Transportation Improvement Board's (TIB) Urban Arterial Program to offset a portion of the PWB loan. Grant recipients will be notified in November 2019.
      • Both programs are sponsored by different agencies of Washington State and are considered very competitive. 


      • Design and implementation plans are now 60% complete.
      • Permitting is underway and is also anticipated to be completed in time for construction in 2020.
      • Work has begun on acquiring temporary construction easements and evaluating different landscape concepts with help from a landscape committee and our landscape architect.

Presentation 3 to Camas City Council Complete – On Mon., May 6, during the City Council Workshop, the project team presented the results of the second Community Online Survey 2, shared answers to frequently asked questions, and offered specifics on the two roundabout designs being considered (Preferred Concept 1 and Preferred Concept 2), including the health of American chestnut tree, pedestrian/bicyclist crossing options, estimated project costs, and potential funding sources. Council members expressed their support for Preferred Concept 1. The project team will now continue to develop design and implementation plans for Preferred Concept 1, and to seek funding for its construction.

Community Online Survey 2 Complete – We appreciate your taking the time to offer input on the two roundabout designs (“preferred alternatives”) presented at Community Open House 2.  The survey was live from April 6 to 20. The results are now being reviewed and will be shared with City Council as part of a project update on Mon., May 6, during the regularly scheduled City Council Workshop starting at 4:30 p.m.

Community Open House 2 Complete – On April 9 at Lacamas Lake Lodge, the project team provided the findings of their alternatives analysis and the results of Community Online Survey 1, and – based on that data – presented two roundabout designs for consideration. The following resources were made available: (Click on each item to view.)

    • Slideshow Presentation – reviewing the public’s involvement, key themes from Community Open House 1, results of Community Online Survey, an analysis of alternatives, recommendations on how to proceed, data on roundabouts, next steps, and these video simulations:

All Camas residents were mailed a personal invitation to Community Open House 2. Additionally, the event was publicized in the Camas-Washougal Post-Record, with a sign near the intersection, on City of Camas social media, and here, on the City of Camas website.

Community Online Survey 1 Complete – From February 22 to March 11, 2019, 1,200+ community members provided feedback at the first open house and through the online survey. The high level of interest in this project demonstrates how critical this intersection is to the community. All input received went into the creation of the design options presented during the next step of the project.

Community Open House 1 Complete – More than 125 residents, business owners, and stakeholders attended the first Community Open House on February 26. The following items were made available:

All Camas residents were mailed a personal invitation  to Community Open House 1. Additionally, the event was publicized in the Camas-Washougal Post-Record, with a sign near the intersection, on City of Camas social media, and here, on the City of Camas website. Residents can expect a second mailer and similar communication about Community Open House 2 happening April 9.

Project Study Limits

The project study limits extend from just south of the Fallen Leaf Lake driveway (located to the south of the project intersection) to the south side of the Everett Street Bridge (WSDOT Bridge# 500/016), and from the sidewalk terminus at Lacamas Lake Lodge, to the intersection of Lake Road and Everett Street. The project area also includes the entire City-owned property, east of the intersection.

Click here to view a map of the project area.

Project Goals

The primary goal of this project is to improve intersection safety and efficiency for all users and modes of travel. The existing signalized “T” intersection is at or near failure and travelers can experience substantial delays in all directions. The study area generally lacks pedestrian connectivity and does not currently include accessible routes between the adjacent recreation areas.

 The City has identified the following project goals:

  • Provide an inclusive and transparent community engagement process and seek stakeholder and community input on project alternatives and design.
  • Reduce traffic congestion and improve safety for all users (pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists).
  • Improve pedestrian access to adjacent recreation areas.
  • Minimize impacts to the community, surrounding properties and infrastructure, and the environment and natural resources.
  • Complete Phase 1 (including conceptual design and permitting) to facilitate construction in 2020 (if funding can be acquired) .

Get Involved

The City of Camas is committed to an inclusive and transparent community engagement process to ensure the project reflects the community’s priorities and concerns. There continues to be  multiple opportunities to be a part of the process at key milestones throughout all phases of the project. 

Project Schedule

  • Project Design Alternatives Analysis – Mid-January to Mid-March 2019
  • Stakeholder Interviews – Week of Jan. 28 and Feb. 4, 2019
  • Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting 1 – Feb. 7, 2019
  • City Council Lake-Everett Intersection Presentation 1 – Feb. 19, 2019
  • Open House #1 – Feb. 26, 2019
  • Community Online Survey 1 – Feb. 22 to March 11, 2019
  • Project Advisory Committee (PAC) – March 7, 2019

  • City Council Lake-Everett Presentation 2 – March 18, 2019

  • Open House #2 – April 9, 2019

  • Community Online Survey 2 – April 9 to 21, 2019

  • City Council Lake-Everett Presentation 3 – May 6, 2019 [Presentation begins on video at 47:25]

  • 30% Project Design – May 7 to June 30, 2019

  • Final Design, Permitting, and Right-of-Way Acquisition – Winter 2019/2020

  • Landscape Design Committee Meeting 1 – Sept. 5, 2019

  • Landscape Design Committee Meeting 2 – Oct. 3, 2019

  • City Council Landscape Design Update Presentation – Oct. 7, 2019 [Presentation begins on video at 22:20]

  • Landscape Design Committee Meeting 4 – Oct. 24, 2019

  • Landscape Design Committee Meeting 5 – Nov. 7, 2019

  • Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting 3 – Nov. 7, 2019

  • 90% Engineering Plans Submitted – Nov. 15, 2019

  • City Council Landscaping Plans & Simulation – Nov. 18, 2019 [Presentation begins on video at 46:26; fly-over video starts at 54:09]

  • Construction Anticipated to Begin – Spring 2020

Contact Us

The City is committed to a transparent process with ample opportunities to involve the public. If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please contact us. We’re happy to hear from you.

Jim Hodges
City of Camas
Project Manager

James Carothers
City of Camas
Engineering Manager



View the roundabout fly-through
aerial view of features and function