Museums Online

Museums Online

May 22, 2020 - Welcome to the first blog post on the “What’s the Buzz?”!  We are so excited to have this outlet to share lots of fun and interesting resources from our Library staff. 

Since the pandemic began, I have really missed visiting museums.  However, so many museums have started to offer fascinating “virtual exhibitions” online.  You can see great images of the museum’s collections and learn about the art.  I wanted to share some cool “virtual exhibitions” and resources from museums right here in the Pacific Northwest.

The Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture in Tacoma, Washington has created several online exhibitions resources for patrons all collected on their Online Resources page.  Be sure to check out the virtual tour of their recent exhibition: Mount St. Helens: Critical Memory celebrating the 40th anniversary of the eruption of Mount St. Helens.

The Cascadia Art Museum in Edmond, Washington provides Virtual Visits where a curator David Martin discusses some of his favorite works in the museum.  They even offer some fun art projects you can do at home on their Studio Cascadia webpage, like “Exploring Shape in My Neighborhood.”

I could spend a loooong time going through all the resources on The Seattle Art Museum blog and the Portland Art Museum+ NW Film Center’s PAM + NWFC At Home website.  Both have great virtual exhibits, art projects, and interesting articles.  Treasure troves of things to do!

Want more museums with virtual exhibits?  Here’s a list of some more examples from MCN, an organization the helps museums grow their digital capacities.  Enjoy!


Elliot Stapleton, Library Associate

May 22, 2020