Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun

October 23, 2020 - Just because we need to maintain a 6-foot social distance doesn’t mean Halloween is cancelled! Here are some fun, safe activities to do this year. Don’t forget to enjoy the full moon on Halloween night!

Throw a Virtual Halloween Party

I bet everyone is familiar with video-conferencing tools by now (Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, ). Use them to throw a virtual party! Find a spooky background for your screen; I like the sites freeimages.com, unsplash.com, and pexels.com. You can host a costume party where each person gets to show off their favorite look, and you can even award a digital gift card to the winner for best costume. Attendees can take their device on tour to show off their Halloween decorations. Party games are another fun option; you can organize a virtual scavenger hunt or play charades. And don't forget that a Halloween party—even a virtual one—is a great time to share scary stories.

Treat Yourself to Halloween Yums

Halloween means treats, and even if you are spending Halloween at home, you can sweeten things up by creating some spooky snacks and treats. You can stick with classics such as popcorn balls and caramel apples, or try making a pumpkin cake or something more complicated. Countyliving.com, tasteofhome.com, and delish.com have some tasty suggestions.

Enjoy Halloween Movies

This year is ideal for hunkering down with some popcorn to watch a scary or funny Halloween movie. My personal favorites are The Nightmare Before Christmas, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and The Addams Family (1991). I recommend teleparty.com and twoseven.xyz to watch movies with your friends and families while staying socially distanced in different houses.

Try Out New Ways to Trick-Or-Treat

Public health experts are discouraging traditional trick-or-treating this year, but there are other ways to get and give sweets. You can leave individually-wrapped treats in a bowl outside your front door, use a candy delivery system like a tube or a pully/zipline, or host an Easter Egg-style family candy hunt in your house.

Don’t forget that your local pumpkin farm is also likely open for business, and these are always fun! My family has been to Walton Farms in Camas and really enjoyed it.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Ellen Miles, Programming & Outreach Coordinator

October 23, 2020