Free Education

Free Education

March 4, 2021 - Are you looking to learn something new? There are lots of high-quality and free courses, workshops, and resources for go-getters who want to know more! This isn’t a comprehensive list; these are just my favorites. I selected them because they are all easy and intuitive to use, and it’s very clear what the free content is:


This site has some ads, but not an overwhelming number. It offers more than 2,000 courses to choose from on a wide range of topics.


Designed for children and teens, this site has a ton of learning tools for coding and all computer sciences.

Khan Academy

Probably the most well-known on this list, Khan Academy has courses at the elementary, high school, and college levels. Learners of all ages are welcome.

MIT OpenCourseWave

All the courses offered are free, but you can receive course completion certificates for a nominal fee.

Open Yale Courses

A simple interface makes it clear what courses are offered, who teaches it, and when it was initially offered.

Stanford Online

Enrollment in free classes is offered on this site. However, not all classes are available all the time.

UC Berkeley Class Central

Many courses offer a “trailer” so you can really get a feel for what work is expected of you.

And of course, don’t forget the Library’s very own subscription to LinkedIn Learning (formally I recently watched a two-hour course on iMovie that was really great.


Ellen Miles, Programming & Outreach Coordinator

March 1, 2021