Bee Hive Update

April 9, 2021 - Greetings fellow bee lovers! Since my last hive update there have been some developments I would like to share with you.

Before I share the changes though, I first want to let you know that the bees have not swarmed yet. Just a reminder that bee swarming is a process where a hive subdivides and a group of bees with a queen bee leave the current hive to find a new home. If you do happen to see a lot of bees flying near the hive, let a Library staff person  know. We want to make sure they remain safe while they find a new home.


Bee Hive Bearding

The bees have been “bearding” outside the hive on warm days and it’s a lovely sight to see. On your next visit to the Library, see if you can spot the bees “bearding” near the  entrance to the hive, which is located at the southwest corner of the Library’s front yard. Here's a recent photo of the bees "bearding".

Interpretive Sign

We have a wonderful new interpretive sign in front of the hive! The sign has some interesting facts about bees as well as a link to a resource page on our website. The sign is the prize from an adult summer reading challenge from 2020. We feel very fortunate that local business WaferTech donated the money to our Summer Reading Program which allowed us to purchase this sign. Thank you so much WaferTech!

Okay, that’s it for this week’s hive update. And remember, come on down to the Library to see the hive and browse the Library!


Elliot Stapleton

Library Associate

April 9, 2021