Middle Grade March

Middle Grade March

March 2, 2023 - Happy March, everyone. I’m not quite ready to see February go but a new month for me means a new reading theme! This month’s reading theme is Middle Grade March. Here are a few middle grade titles that I am looking forward to reading in the next few weeks:


Front Desk by Kelly Yang

Front Desk is Yang’s debut book, has won multiple literary awards, and been on the shortlist for several well-known review lists. It was also the featured book for our 4th-6th grade book club, Page Turners, last May.


Healer of the Water Monster by Brian Young

This is another debut and award-winning book about a Diné boy who comes across a Water Monster, a Holy Being from the Navajo Creation Story, while spending the summer with his grandmother.


The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera

This science fiction Newbery Medal winner blends a dystopian setting with Mexican folklore in its story about 12-year-old Petra, the only person who remembers Earth after being sent to a new planet.


Shaking Up the House by Yamil Saied Méndez

Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned prank war? Think Camp Walden from The Parent Trap … but at the White House. Ingrid and Winnie Lopez, the outgoing First Daughters, are following the tradition of pranking the incoming president’s family, and start a series of pranks with Skylar and Zora Williams, the soon-to-be new First Daughters.


Winter Turning by Tui T. Sutherland

After seeing how popular the Wings of Fire series is with our school-aged patrons, I finally read the first book, The Dragonet Prophecy, and now I can’t put them down! I’m sure my co-workers are tired of listening to me talk about the books but I am absolutely in love with these baby dragons.


Let me know what your favorite middle grade books are – I love to hear about what you’re reading!

Maria Martin, Library Associate