Cooking the Books: Squash

Cooking the Books - Squash

October 27, 2022 – We are back for another edition of Cooking the Books! Today is all about squash … or as my Midwest father likes to call it, squarsh. I personally prefer winter squash over summer squash and I’m going to include one of my favorite recipes using acorn squash.

You may be asking yourself what is the difference between summer squash and winter squash. Or maybe you’re not, but I’ll tell you anyway! One main difference between the two is their harvesting times. Summer squash is, you guessed it, harvested during the summer months, and winter squash is harvested during the fall months. Summer squash, like zucchini and yellow crookneck, is soft-skinned, and winter squash, like pumpkins, butternut, and spaghetti, are thick-skinned and can be stored much longer.

Interested in cooking squash for the first time or looking for new ways to cook your squash?  Check out these cookbooks from our catalog.


Maria’s Easy Acorn Squash 2-for-1 Recipe

This recipe is so versatile. I cut an acorn squash in half for roasting and make one half savory and the other half sweet – dinner and dessert! I’ve included some of my favorite “toppings” to eat with the squash but these are just suggestions. Like I said, this is a very versatile recipe – you can add pretty much whatever you like to your squash!



1 acorn squash

A few slices of bacon

A handful or two of arugula

2 tbsp. goat cheese

1-2 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. brown sugar

 ½ tsp. cinnamon



(Because winter squash can be quite hard to cut into, I like to cut the top off of the acorn squash so I have a flat surface to work with.) Cut acorn squash in half and scoop out seeds.  Use a fork to poke holes all over the inside of the squash. Cook the bacon and save 1-2 tablespoons of bacon grease to brush over one half of the squash. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Brush 1-2 tablespoons of butter on the other half and sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon. Bake at 400F for 30-40 minutes or until fork tender. Top off your savory half with arugula, bacon, and goat cheese.


Maria Martin, Library Associate