Camas to Camas Letters

You've got mail from Camas, Spain!

March 1, 2022 - I want to say Thank You to everyone who participated in our Camas to Camas letter writing program, which finished in December 2021.

For those who don’t know about this program, the Camas Public Library discovered that there is another region in Spain named Camas, and also another Camas Public Library.  In Spanish the library’s name is Biblioteca Pública Municipal "Rafael Alberti" de Camas. We had to learn more, so we collaborated with the Camas Public Library in Spain to have our patrons write letters to each other.  It was a lot of fun!

So, we sent our letters to Spain and they in turn sent theirs to us. We recently received their letters (more than 20), and we will be displaying them for you to read during the month of March. The letters also included messages and pictures, which we think you’ll enjoy reading

The letters will be on display near our DVDs shelves in the Library. So while at the Library in March, I encourage you check out the display.

Also, check out this amazing video they made for us about their Library! It's very well done:

And here’s a short video of a librarian at Camas Public Library in Spain, talking about our Library in Camas, Washington to a group of kids!

Elliot Stapleton, Library Associate